Scopus Indexing | Please inform your colleagues
- We are happy to tell you that the Proceedings of the 34th International DAAAM Symposium, 2023 has been indexed in Scopus!
- All papers are cross-referenced and are permanently accessible on the Internet over CrossRef for free of charge download.
- Curran Proceedings – New York is publishing the book form of the proceedings on demand. The book copy is available for purchase (for you and/or your library) at a significant DAAAM member discount here.
DAAAM International Week & 35th DAAAM International Symposium
Virtual Online Edition, hosted by Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, EU, 24th-25th October 2024
- All accepted papers (type “a” and “b”) we will published in the proceedings of the 35th DAAAM International Symposium.
- All papers will be cross-referenced and over CrossRef they will be permanently accessible on the Internet, for free of charge download.
- Curran Proceedings – New York (http://www.proceedings.com/) will publish book form of the proceedings.
- Proceedings will be sent to the evaluation for indexing in all relevant databases.
The main objective of the Symposium is to provide a World forum which annually takes place in Central Europe to exchange knowledge, experience, results and information related to various aspects of advanced manufacturing and modern automation.
DAAAM International Symposium covers all aspects of design, production, manufacturing, exploiting and maintenance of technical products, and all aspects of development and use of industrial and service automation.
The scope of the Symposium covers scientific, technological and practical concepts concerning research, development and realization of advanced manufacturing automation and networking concepts, offering a unique opportunity for experts to meet and exchange ideas.
Danube Adria Association For Automation & Manufacturing – DAAAM
DAAAM International Vienna is an international network for scientific, academic and industrial cooperation. DAAAM International was founded and based on the idea and initiative of Professor B. Katalinic, on November 5th, 1990 at the Vienna Symposium, in order to mark the 175th anniversary of the Vienna University of Technology.
The purpose of DAAAM International is to provide a world forum for engineers, scientists and industrial managers to present and discuss the current status and impact of advanced manufacturing and automation.
During the last 35 years, the activities of DAAAM International have been supported by more than 10.000 scientists and experts from over fifty countries all over the world.
IFT – Institute for Production Engineering and Photonic Technology
DAAAM International Vienna was founded in 1990 at IFT – Institute for Production Engineering and Photonic Technologies in order to mark 175 years of Vienna University of Technology. DAAAM International Vienna is a permanent platform for IFT for international scientific, academic and technical cooperation. With the curtesy of Head of Institute, Prof. Friedrich Bleicher, IFT continues to be the home of DAAAM International Vienna