DAAAM Proceedings


Proceedings of DAAAM Symposiums on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation

DAAAM International Symposiums focus on the five-fold traditional objectives: the presentation of the most recent high-quality results, support of development of young scientists and researchers, organization of international doctoral school, inauguration of new members of Central European Branch of International Academy of Engineering and the provision of the necessary setting for stimulating discussions, brainstorming and networking among European and international researchers coming both from the academia, government agencies and industry.

DAAAM International Symposiums have been established as the leading Central European conference devoted to the cutting-edge advancements in the field of modern production and automation. The Symposium provides an international forum for engineers, scientists and industrial managers to present and discuss the current status and impact of advanced manufacturing and automation. The international series of Symposium was initiated by the first meeting in Vienna (1990) and continued in Strbske Pleso (1991), Budapest (1992), Brno (1993), Maribor (1994), Cracow (1995), Vienna (1996), Dubrovnik (1997), Cluj – Napoca (1998), Vienna (1999), Opatija (2000), Jena (2001), Vienna (2002), Sarajevo (2003), Vienna (2004), Opatija (2005), Vienna (2006), Zadar (2007), Trnava (2008), Vienna (2009), Zadar (2010), Vienna (2011), Zadar (2012), Zadar (2013), Vienna (2014), Zadar (2015), Mostar (2016), Zadar (2017), Zadar (2018), Zadar (2019), Mostar (2020), Vienna (2021), Vienna (2022), Vienna (2023) and Vienna (2024).

Regular organization of the annual Symposium is one of the central activities of the DAAAM International association. The association was founded on 5. November 1990 in Vienna during a meeting organised by Professor B. Katalinic in order to celebrate the 175 Years of Vienna University of Technology. The main idea of the association was to establish a network for a new kind of international scientific and academic cooperation in the fields of intelligent manufacturing and automation. Our primary focus is on: all aspects of production of technical products made out of parts and corresponding automation and knowledge, trans-disciplinary application of methods and all kinds of education.

Reviewing & Topics
All papers included in these proceedings are reviewed by experts in double blind peer review way, and are finally revised by the authors for the improvement according to referee’s reports and advices. The papers discuss many aspects of modern manufacturing and automation such as: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, CAX, Computer Integration, Control, Cutting Tools, Design, FEM, Invited Lectures, Knowledge, Management, Manufacturing System, Mechatronics, Methodology, Methods, Modelling, Optimization, Robotics, Simulation, Technical Solutions, Technology and Trends.

Many Thanks & Best Wishes
Appreciation is forwarded to reviewers who contributed to improve the quality of papers reviewing the papers, providing constructive critical comments, improvements and corrections to the authors. We also recognize the support of reviewers, who were in charge of acceptance/rejection process. We wish to thank the Scientific, Program and Organizing Committees, Session Chairs, student helpers and Administrative assistants, for contributing to the success of this Conference. They always do an excellent job.

Finally, we wish to thank all the authors who have and will submit papers, making these conferences possible and the authors of accepted papers for making appropriate modifications and corrections with care and patience and for preparing the final manuscript. It is the quality of their presentations and their passion to communicate with other participants that really makes this conference series a success. We would like to thank all members of the International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch, organizational team, management and all those nice colleagues for their excellent support in the organization and completion of the Proceedings.

DAAAM Proceedings Archive (2010-2024)