3rd Advanced Robotics School (ARS), 2025

Encouraged by the success of the first two Advanced Robotics School events, we are proudly announcing the 3rd DAAAM International Advanced Robotics School (ARS), 2025 which will be organised as hybrid lectures from various universities across the world.

Time & Location
27th – 31st, October, 2025, Hybrid (further info soon to be announced)

Registration deadline
Deadline for Final Call: 2025-08-01

Step 1: Apply for DAAAM Membership 2025
If you want to take a part in any of DAAAM activities during DAAAM Week 2025, you must complete the DAAAM Membership 2025 registration procedure:

DAAAM Membership


Step 2: Register for the 3rd DAAAM International Advanced Robotics School
Complete the registration form for the 3rd DAAAM International Advanced Robotics School. Shortly after you register, we will contact you personally for further instructions:

Advanced Robotics School Registration


Successful participants will receive their individual Diploma and a Diploma Supplement at the end of the Advanced Robotics School from DAAAM International and a partner University. The diploma includes 2 ECTS credit points and will be signed by the Rector of the Partner University and by the President of DAAAM International.


The success of mankind’s civilization is based on science and technology. The main mega-trend in science is specialization which can be expressed with words “to know more and more about less and less”. Augmentation of complexity is the dominating trend in the development of technology. This trend directly increases fragility and decrease robustness of modern machines and systems. Modern society is closely connected and very dependent on modern technology. All machines and technologies are developed by engineers, but the role and influence of engineers in the development of the society is continuously decreasing. This process was supported by education of engineers which is focused on narrow technical specialization excluding historical contest, scientific and academic space and state of modern society.


Robotics has become an integral component of modern production and has great potential for being utilized in almost every industry. DAAAM International Vienna is committed to providing advanced scholarly activities to academics and researchers all around the world. To promote a deeper understanding of advanced robotic applications, and driven by last year’s success we are happy to organize the 3rd DAAAM International Advanced Robotics School (ARS) scheduled to take place from 27th October to 31st October 2025. The Advanced Robotics School will run alongside the the 36th DAAAM International Symposium 2025 and will be held virtually. It is available for everyone with a particular interest in the field of engineering. ARS offers in this year’s version online lectures and hands-on tutorials to grasp advanced robotic concepts and applications. The goal is to provide participants with insight into new technologies and trends in industrial robotics, as well as hands-on online lab experience and offline simulation skills.



  • Design of Robots
  • Simulation of Robots
  • Robot Vision
  • Robot Machining
  • End Effectors and Fixtures
  • Smart Factory – Use cases
  • Robotics: Past, Present, Future
  • Mobile Robots

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