DAAAM Scientific Book


Background and Mission

The members of the World Wide DAAAM international community expressed the need for a flexible publishing platform. This platform would allow to present own actual (international) research projects, recent results, and technical solutions. To fulfill this need in the frame of DAAAM International publishing activities, in 2002 we started a new periodical edition known as DAAAM International Scientific Book. This is a open series for publishing of the most resent research results and international projects from all technical fields and scientific disciplines which are in the field of interest of DAAAM International. Actuality, competence, team work, interdisciplinary and international cooperation are the main characteristics of this initiative.


The members of the World Wide DAAAM international community expressed the need for a flexible publishing platform. This platform would allow to present own actual (international) research projects, recent results, and technical solutions. To fulfill this need in the frame of DAAAM International publishing activities, in 2002 we started a new periodical edition known as DAAAM International Scientific Book. This is a open series for publishing of the most resent research results and international projects from all technical fields and scientific disciplines which are in the field of interest of DAAAM International. Actuality, competence, team work, interdisciplinary and international cooperation are the main characteristics of this initiative.

Review Procedure

Manuscripts are a subject of the following review procedures:

  • It is reviewed by the editor for general suitability for this publication.
  • If it is judged suitable by two reviewers that are selected and a double blind review process takes place.
  • Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editor then decide whether the particular manuscript should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.


Since 2006 DAAAM International is a member of CrossRef. DOI Suffix of DAAAM International is: 10.2507 Abstracts of all contributions published in DAAAM International Scientific Book since 2006 are crossreferenced and permanently available on the Internet! Scientific Books 2002-2008 are in the evaluation process at Thomson-Scientific!

EBSCO Bibliographic Database

Since 2009, DAAAM International Scientific Book (ISSN 1726-9687) is included in the EBSCO bibliographic database.

DAAAM International Scientific Books Archive (2002-2024)