
Danube Adria Association For Automation & Manufacturing – DAAAM

DAAAM International Vienna is an international network for scientific, academic and industrial cooperation. DAAAM International was founded and based on the idea and initiative of Professor B. Katalinic, on November 5th, 1990 at the Vienna Symposium, in order to mark the 175th anniversary of the Vienna University of Technology. The purpose of DAAAM International is to provide a world forum for engineers, scientists and industrial managers to present and discuss the current status and impact of advanced manufacturing and automation. During the last 33 years, the activities of DAAAM International have been supported by more than 10.000 scientists and experts from over fifty countries all over the world.

In recent years, DAAAM International has focused activities on regional and global long-term co-operation between (technical) universities. The result of this initiative is the founding of the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna and DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies. The founding document of the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna is the University Charter of Dubrovnik, signed on October 23rd 1997 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The founding document of DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies is signed on 2002-10-25 in Vienna.

Main activities and aims

  • To organize an annual DAAAM International Symposium each year (since 1990)
  • To organize annual European DAAAM International Young Researchers and Scientists Conference, as an international platform to support development and networking of new generation of researchers and scientists (since 2007)
  • To found and organize the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna as a strategic alliance and permanent international open platform for long-term co-operation and partnership in all fields of technology, research and education
  • To organize long-term projects, initially known as Inter-university Doctoral Studies
  • To organize a pilot project, initially known as the Virtual University
  • To enable and promote the exchange of people, scientific, and technical information
  • To enable and promote international co-operation among scientists and engineers
  • To enable and promote R & D, education and industrial application
  • To co-operate with other national and international organisations in matters of common interest
  • International scientific and academic cooperation in the frame of DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies
  • Giving possibilities to Universities to present their projects and final Thesis
  • Giving possibilities to companies to present new products, developments and projects
  • To publish DAAAM International Journal of Simulation Modelling (since 2001)
  • To publish annually DAAAM International Scientific Book (since 2002)
  • To encourage and support young researchers and scientists during their their development to high quality, recognized researchers
  • Promotion of universal human values and wisdom in science and technology
  • Active resistance against present misuse of technology
  • Promoting new ethics for engineers and harmony between technology and nature
  • Promoting social status of engineers in the society