Placards of all DAAAM International Symposiums
Placards of all DAAAM International Symposiums (1990 - 2024)
Preview of all the official DAAAM Symposium Placards.
IAE-CEB Inauguration Ceremonies
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch* Inauguration Ceremonies (2013-2018)
32nd DAAAM 2021, Vienna, Austria
32nd DAAAM International Virtual Symposium Week (25-31st October 2021, Hosted in Vienna, Austria)
The 32nd DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation – 28th & 29th October 2021
The 15th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 10th DAAAM International Virtual Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
31st DAAAM 2020, Mostar, BiH
31st DAAAM International Virtual Symposium Week (19-25th October 2020, Hosted in Mostar, BiH)
The 31st DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation – 21 – 24th October 2020
The 14th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 9th DAAAM International Virtual Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
30th DAAAM 2019, Zadar, Croatia, EU
30th DAAAM International Symposium Week (20-27th October 2019, Zadar, Croatia, EU)
The 30th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation – 23 – 26th October 2019
The 13th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 8th DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
29th DAAAM 2018, Zadar, Croatia, EU
29th DAAAM International Symposium Week (21-28th October 2018, Zadar, Croatia, EU)
The 29th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation – 24 – 27th October 2018
The 12th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 7th DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
28th DAAAM International Symposium Week (05-12th November 2017, Zadar, Croatia, EU)
The 28th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation (08 – 11th November 2017)
The 11th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 6th DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
27th DAAAM International Symposium Week (26-29th October 2016, Mostar, BiH)
The 27th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation (23 – 30th October 2016)
The 10th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 5th DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
26th DAAAM International Symposium Week (18 – 25th October 2015, Zadar, Croatia, EU)
The 26th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation (21-24th October 2015, University of Zadar – Universitas Studiorum Jadertina)
The 9th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 4th DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
25th DAAAM International Symposium Week (23 – 30th November 2014, Vienna, Austria, EU)
The 25th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation (26-29th November 2014, Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects: ÖIAV – 1848)
The 8th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 3rd DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
24th DAAAM International Symposium Week (20 – 27th October 2013, Zadar, Croatia, EU)
The 24th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation (23-26th October 2013, University of Zadar – Universitas Studiorum Jadertina)
The 7th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 2nd DAAAM International Doctoral School
International Academy of Engineering – Central European Branch Inauguration Ceremony
23rd DAAAM International Symposium Week (21-28th October 2012, Zadar, Croatia)
The 23rd DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation (24-27th October 2012, University of Zadar – Universitas Studiorum Jadertina)
The 6th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
The 1st DAAAM International Doctoral School
22nd DAAAM International World Symposium (23-26th November 2011, Vienna, Austria)
22nd International World Symposium & The 5th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference at Austria Center Vienna
21st DAAAM International World Symposium (20-23rd October 2010, Zadar, Croatia)
The 21st DAAAM International Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Interdisciplinary Solutions & The 4th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference at University of Zadar – Universitas Studiorum Jadertina
20th DAAAM International World Symposium (25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria)
The 20th DAAAM International Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Theory, Practice & Education & The 3rd European International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference at Austria Center Vienna
19th International DAAAM Symposium (22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia)
“Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions” & 2nd European International Young Researchers´and Scientists´ Conference
18th International DAAAM Symposium (24-27th October 2007, Zadar, Croatia)
“Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsibility and Ethics of Engineers´” & 1st European International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
17th International DAAAM Symposium (8-11th November 2006, Vienna, Austria)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Mechatronics and Robotics
16th International DAAAM Symposium (19-21st October 2005, Opatija, Croatia)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Young Researchers and Scientists
15th International DAAAM Symposium (3-6th November 2004, Vienna, Austria)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Globalisation – Technology – Man – Nature
14th International DAAAM Symposium (22-25th October 2003, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Reconstruction and Development
13th International DAAAM Symposium (23-26th October 2002, Vienna, Austria)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Learning from Nature
12th International DAAAM Symposium (24-27th October 2001, Jena, Germany)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering
11th International DAAAM Symposium (19-21st October 2000, Opatija, Croatia)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Man – Machine – Nature
10th International DAAAM Symposium (21-23th October 1999, Vienna, Austria)
Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Past – Present – Future
9th International DAAAM Symposium (22-24th October 1998, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation & Networking
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
8th International DAAAM Symposium (23-25th October 1997, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
7th International DAAAM Symposium (17-19th October 1996, Vienna, Austria)
Product & Manufacturing: Flexibility, Integration, Intelligence
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
6th International DAAAM Symposium (26-28th October 1995, Cracow, Poland)
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
5th International DAAAM Symposium (27-28th October 1994, Maribor, Slovenia)
Automation and Metrology: Challenge and Chance
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
4th International DAAAM Symposium (16-18th September 1993, Brno, Czech Republic)
Automation and Metrology: Man, Technology, Environment
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
3rd International DAAAM Symposium (4-6th November 1992, Budapest, Hungary)
Flexible and Intelligent Automation
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
2nd International DAAAM Symposium (-13th December 1991, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, Czechoslovakia)
Flexible Automation
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
1st International DAAAM Symposium (5th November 1990, Vienna, Austria)
Automatization and Measurement Technique
Many colleagues are interested in photos from old Symposiums. If you have any photos from this Symposium please sent it to us – we will make a photo album named after you and we will put it in the Gallery.
6th DAAAM International Internship – Synergy Network Students Vienna
Students: Saifulin Ruslan, Karaganda State Technical University – KSTU / Kelisbekov Adilbek, Karaganda State Technical University – KSTU / Tokhmetova Kuralay, Karaganda State Technical University – KSTU / Kotov Yevgeniy, Karaganda State Technical University – KSTU / Alekseev Anton , Sankt Petersburg Polytechnical University -SPbPU / Efremov Vladislav, Sankt Petersburg Polytechnical University -SPbPU / Kudrashov Nikita, Sankt Petersburg Polytechnical University -SPbPU / Reprintcev Mark, Baltic State Technical University – BSTU / Berednikov Gleb, Baltic State Technical University – BSTU / Volianskii Dmitrii, Baltic State Technical University – BSTU / Kudrina Tatyana, Moscow Energetic Institute – TU – MEI / Toropov Philipp, Moscow Energetic Institute – TU – MEI / Krasikov Ivan, Ural Federal University – UFU / Mironova Varvara, Ural Federal University – UFU / Derksen Leonid, Ural Federal University – UFU / Zakharov Leonid, Ural Federal University – UFUAdditional Students (Festo Visit): Balabaev Andrei, Sankt Petersburg Polytechnic University -SPbPU / Kuklin Egor, Sankt Petersburg Polytechnic University -SPbPU / Smirnov Pavel, Sankt Petersburg Polytechnic University-SPbPUProfessors (Festo Visit): Stazhkov Sergej, Baltic State Technical University – Voenmeh / Abramov Alexander, Novgorod State University
5th DAAAM International Internship – Synergy Network Students Vienna
Organizational coordinator for Internship participants: Raskatova, Marina Viktorovna, PhD, Docent, National Research University MPEIStudents: Abisheva, Dinara Kairzhanovna, KSTU / Babayeva, Marina Yuryevna, KSTU / Burmistrov, Dmitrii Konstantinovich, BSTU «VOENMEH» / Bussi, Elisabetta / Gurina, Anastasiia Olegovna, MPEI / Korolenkova, Varvara Alekseevna, MPEI / Lekareva, Anastasia Vladimirovna, VSU / Platonova, Ekaterina, BSTU «VOENMEH» / Sidorova, Oksana Sergeevna, VSU / Tolegen, Saltanat Zhanbotakyzy, KSTU / Ussova, Yevgeniya Dmitriyevna, KSTU / Vecherkovskii, Igor Andreevich, MPEI / Volzhankina, Vera Vyacheslaovna, BSTU «VOENMEH»
4th DAAAM International Internship – Synergy Network Students Vienna
Students: Kudriashov Nikita, SPbSTU / Markov Sergei, SPbSTU / Protasov Ivan, SPbSTU / Shorin Vadim, MPEI / Marchenko Pavel, MPEI / Belichenko Maria, MPEI / Golubeva Maria, KSTU / Pedanova Yekaterina, KSTU / Safronova Anastasia, KSTU / Khakimov Rustam, OmSTU / Zavrazhina Alina, OSTU»
3rd DAAAM International Internship – Synergy Network Students Vienna
Students: Zhukov Yuriy / Zhukova Victoria / Protcenko Alexander / Gornostaev Igor / Konoplin Nikita / Ganin Pavel / Grechin Georgiy / Sundet Gamzat / Muravlev Valeriy / Saifulin Ruslan / Zhombolat Temirlan / Arbiev Akhmet / Aliaskar Amantaev / Kosheva Angelina
2nd DAAAM International Internship – Synergy Network Students Vienna
Baltic State Technical University students visited Vienna:Chernus Pavel / Chernus Petr / Kosheleva Yulia / Koshkur Nikita / Merkulov Andrei / Nikitina Maria / Nurmukhanova Assel / Polischuk Olga / Terekhin Stepan
1st DAAAM International Internship – Synergy Network Students Vienna
17 students from the Baltic State Technical University and their professor visited Vienna
International Internship Program “New Technologies & Education: Mechatronics / Robotics & Modern Digital Technologies”.
Held in Vienna, Austria during the time 2013-11-23 / 2013-11-29.
Organized by:
DAAAM International Vienna – International Doctoral School, Vienna University of Technology – Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Department, Vienna University of Applied Sciences – Technikum, FESTO Concern, Technical Museum – Vienna at all.