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My DAAAM Profile

Log in to your DAAAM Profile by going to the bottom of the web page and enter your login data. ATTENTION: All files will be automatically removed from your DAAAM Profile with the last day of each publication year (31st December, 2025). Make sure you save the necessary files to your local drive, before the deadline. If you made a mistake during the upload procedure (wrong option selected or file), do not worry. Repeat the upload procedure - we will only use you last submission. Likewise, if we notice any duplicate or incorrectly named files, we will correct it.

1. My Data

Family name:
Email Address:

2. Papers

Paper type:

Paper Number:
Status of Paper:

3. Payments

I paid for:


Scan your payment confirmation (& if student, attach document about student status & age) in a single .pdf file.

4. Video Presentation

Presentation type (same as your paper):

Presentation number (same as your paper):

Make sure: .mp4 / 200Mb / max. 12 min.
Use the official template!
How to prepare a video presentation?

5. My Files

Uploaded Papers:

Review Results:




Official DAAAM Files (Letter of Acceptance, Invitations, etc...):

6. Virtual Conference Links

36th DAAAM Conference will take place online, via the Zoom platform for video, web conferencing. As soon as the conference invitation links are ready, they will be activated here in your DAAAM Profile.

Conference Links (Join with your own dpnxxxxx_Surname_Name): To see the link, please log-in your DAAAM Profile.

Prepare for Q/A: To see the link, please log-in your DAAAM Profile.