What is Paper Number?

Let us suppose you, as a corresponding author, will submit a first paper with TITLE A.
That means the number for this paper is 1. (simply because you submitted it first in the current publishing year)

The paper number for the next, second paper, with TITLE B, will be 2 and so on…
Each time you submit a paper (either as an abstract, or for a review, or as a corrected paper), the paper number has to be associated with the TITLE of the paper.

a) You select the following for an abstract with TITLE A:
Paper type: Symposium Paper (Regular)
Paper number: 1
Status of Paper: Abstract for Review

b) You select the following for paper for review with TITLE A:
Paper type: Symposium Paper (Regular)
Paper number: 1
Status of Paper: Paper for Review

c) You select the following for corrected paper with TITLE A:
Paper type: Symposium Paper (Regular)
Paper number: 1
Status of Paper: Corrected Paper according to Review Results

Who is an Accompanying Person?

Firstly, accompanying person CANNOT be an author or a co-author of any “a” or “b” type of paper.

Such a person can take part in all activities during the Symposium. Accompanying person will receive: Badge / Participation Certificate / Free participation to all sections / Conference bag / Refreshments / Conference Dinner and Award Ceremony

For more information regarding the fee and payment procedure for an accompanying person – go to For Authors->Payments section. The payment procedure can be completed via bank transfer or at the conference desk. In case of bank transfer payment, submit your confirmation of payment via your DAAAM Profile. Accompanying person must be registered as a DAAAM member and the payment completed at least one week before the begin of the symposium.

Chairperson / Help Person / Photograph - What to do and how to do it?

If you are a Chairperson / Help Person / Photograph at the symposium – in your plastic file you will receive at the registration desk, you will find more info. Go to the Registration Desk and keep a close contact with the DAAAM Organizing team during the entire Symposium.

How does Registration at the Conference Desk take place?

Bring your identification document (Photo ID). If you are a student (undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students) who is one of the authors of paper, bring an official original document about student status and age (must be less than 30 years old in order to qualify for a discount). Do not forget to bring Confirmation of all payments.

When you come at the registration desk, (a) you will be identified and (b) payment status will be checked. Once completed, you will receive your individual conference materials (Badge / Personal Welcome Letter / Presents / Participation Certificate / Voting tickets) You can receive the Participation Certificate personally only! All other conference materials can be picked up by your colleagues.

Carefully read your Welcome letter. Look and carefully analyse ALL DOCUMENTS you received in the PLASTIC FILE.

What are the 3 basic rules of the 33rd DAAAM Symposium?

1st Rule – complete the DAAAM Membership for 2021

2nd Rule – pay the conference fee according to received services (see For Authors->Payments)

3rd Rule – register that you are coming to the symposium when we notify you via DAAAM Newsletter. All registered persons will receive a REGISTRATION LETTER per email.

Why do I have to register that I am coming to the conference?

We need to prepare all the individual conference materials, scheduling and recognition for every individual conference participant – this takes time and precision. Therefore, spontaneous registration of DAAAM participants at the conference desk is not possible. Use your DAAAM Profile and complete the check-in section for you and / or your team.

Which types of papers must be presented at the 33rd DAAAM Symposium?

Only paper types “a” & “b” can be presented at symposium. Presentation of papers can be in oral or poster form. Default form of presentation for all papers is poster. Authors will be able to choose which presentation form they want one month before the symposium. However, the number of oral presentations is limited.  Authors of the most interesting papers will be invited to present the paper as an invited lecture. For more info see Presentations.

Do I have to wear the Conference Badge?

The conference badge is a confirmation of successful registration at the desk. It is obligatory for all participants to carry the conference badge during the conference. Persons who are not registered at the desk cannot take part in DAAAM 2021 activities.

How do I vote for the Best Poster?

After you successfully complete the registration at the registration desk, you will receive a plastic file. This file contains your Welcome Letter and other documents including two voting tickets for the Best Poster Award. One ticket is for Thursday presentation and the other is for Friday presentation.

At the beginning of a poster section, a Voting Box will be available. Voting time is limited to the duration of a poster section +5 minutes.

Visit the poster section and decide which poster you think is the best one.
Write the paper ID (“dpn”_”paper_type”_number”) from your favorite poster. This ID needs to be located on the upper-right corner of the poster.

Fold the voting paper and place it in the Voting Box. Based on the votes from all registered participants, the Award Commission will announce the results and will hand out the prize at the Closing Ceremony – To receive the prize, the winner MUST be present at the ceremony.

What if I am a Honored Person?

If you are informed (in person / in Welcome Letter) that you will be honored with a prize, go to the Registration Desk. Here your Award Ceremony position (group and number) will be defined. IMPORTANT: If you do not come to the desk, we will understand as a rejection of your Honor / Prize.

During the Award Ceremony, the Ceremony Master will inform you about your place in the queue. Simply follow the Ceremony Master to the queue on the stage. If everything is OK, you will find yourself on a stage, in front of your Award. Smile and enjoy the nice moment. Congratulations.

It is an obligation of the DAAAM International honored person to announce the received honor on the Internet. Send this link to It is our duty to keep the World Wide DAAAM Community informed.

When am I supposed to pay for my paper?

If you are waiting for review results of your submitted paper(s), we always recommend to complete the payment, AFTER receiving POSITIVE review results.

DAAAM does not issue refunds!
If you have already completed the payment, but your paper has been rejected, the paid fees can be reallocated for different publication purposes (colleagues or similar), either for current publication year or for the next one.