During the last 30 years, DAAAM International was very active in the international academic and scientific community. During that time we organized many conferences, symposiums, workshops, schools, international doctoral schools, internships, international projects, scholarships, industrial projects, cooperation, exchange of students and teachers.
We have published several hundreds of conference proceedings and books, and additionally founded more prestigious journals. We have organized an enormous number of lectures for industry and academia.
This year, on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary, we decided to establish “DAAAM Summer School” as a permanent platform for update-education of next generation of specialists and engineers in different fields.
DAAAM Summer School offers a collection of interactive short-term academic courses designed to provide an intensive and extended look at your topic of study. Here, you can expand your learning beyond the classroom, explore new scientific areas and get incomparable and challenging experience!
The program will bring together motivated international Bachelor and Masters Students as well as young professionals who wish to advance in their area of interest and gain practical skills.
Our team of lectors consists of bright scholars and recognized professionals, who are looking forward to inspire their students, give them possibilities to see industry from another perspective and proactively extend their network. All courses are taught in English.